Wednesday, March 26, 2008


so, i've had a blog for three months now, and i just started posting things today. nothing is really special about today, except that it's my first bloggy-day.

two of my sisters have had blogs for a while, so--being the typical youngest sister--i had to follow in their footsteps and get one for myself.

so i did.

hm. problem.

i have no life.

at least not one interesting enough to write about. which is why i finally just decided that since it's my blog i'm going to just write whatever i feel like. so there!

i thought i'd start with things that make me giggle. i hope you like it...


christianna said...

excellent post. props to you. :) post more stuff like this ...

(p.s. -- check your pluralization or possessivization of "sister" in there.)

matti kaye said...

there, i fixed it. happy?

christianna said...

yes. i am a generally happy person. thank you for asking. if you want some pointers on how you, too, can be a happy person, let me know. i just found a great article on msn. :D

matti kaye said...

thanks, i might take you up on that later...