Monday, October 27, 2008

christianna would be so proud...

on friday night i and my friend, richie, went to the fall fantasy masquerade ball to benefit uso. it was a lot of fun! we got there around 9 and stayed until 11, two hours of dancing and playing and making new friends and playing with old ones.

when we got back to my apartment my roommate, amber, was still awake (she'd been waiting for us since she spent most of the night alone). so i got out the ice cream and we all started watching brian reagan because...well, he's awesome and we don't need a reason.

the next thing i knew richie was getting up to leave and the dvd was finished.

that's right, i fell asleep.

on a date.

christianna is not the only sorensen to fall asleep on a date anymore. though i'm sure someone else has.


christianna said...

i am proud. welcome to the ranks.

Jared said...

I think I'm ranked number 15.

Jared said...

Inge is ranked 12, and Anders is ranked 25 and climbing.

emily said...

i love it.
and yer face.

...and yer...ah...wardrobe!! :)

calvin and chelsey said...

hahahahaha that's pretty funny =)